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What a wonderful, wonderful day. We started out with a trip to the Memphis Farmer’s Market. We didn’t get there early enough for the special goodies – like arugula, but we were able to snag some other greens and strawberries. I can’t wait to make something yummy with them. We got to see some friends from church and enjoy spring time downtown.

Every time we go downtown we wish we lived there. We wish we had a condo. We wish. We were actually looking at condos and houses downtown the day we found out I was pregnant with Garner. We quickly put that dream to rest for another day. It just didn’t seem right to think about moving downtown while I was pregnant, OR living downtown with an infant. That definitely was one of those things that would have been better to do before baby. BUT we were where we were for a reason and I’m thankful we are where we are now. God is good.

We spent the afternoon tidying up the garage – long way to go there…and then headed to our other favorite part of Memphis – Midtown, for a Rock-N-Romp family concert. It was held at our friends, the Cowles, and it was a lot of fun.


And today was Garner’s first time to swing! She absolutely love it. Good day. Good times.






right now:
– Garner loves to put anything that resembles bracelets on her arms. She walks around with bracelets on both arms at home and daycare and everyone tells her how pretty her bracelets are.
– It’s fun to ask “Where is your belly…nose…mouth…” and watch Garner giggle when she pulls up her shirt and touches her belly…or sticks her finger in her nose – nice.
– She’s very aware of everything around her and loves to stop and touch leaves and plants when were walk down our sidewalk. in fact, she loves to touch everything – very lightly – just to feel it.
– She’s starting to string together sounds that resemble “what is that?”
– She loves to walk and push things.
– She is getting more confident in her walking.
– She loves to sit in JD’s lap when he plays guitar.
– She loves to rub the top of JD’s head when she’s sitting on his shoulders
– Burrito…mammasito…taco…enchilada
– She likes to stir anything with a spoon or spatula
– And she says “shhhhh….sleeping” but it doesn’t sound quite like that.
– She kisses, blows kisses…and hugs – and it feels so good.

We’ve planted seed for grass and hope it grows. We planted 12 hostas, 3 flats of impatiens, and 3 flats of dwarf mondo. Little by little it will become a Meredith yard – a JD Meredith yard.

Spring is here and I’m thankful. I’m glad my winter is over – it’s been a long challenging one.

I’m thinking this was some where around 4th or 5th grade. These were girls I went to Gordon Bibb Elementary with and I can’t remember all their names. I remember two. And it’s funny how certain things can stick with you. One of them invited all our friends but me to her birthday party…oh the drama of elementary school. And one was really mean. I mean REALLY mean! HA! At least that what I think, but it probably was just petty elementary girl stuff. This makes me wonder what kinds of things Garner will one day experience. Oh my.

And I have no idea what the umbrella is all about. Must have been a birthday gift.

And see? School supplies…love it!
Yes..pre-dental work. Nice.

Today was Mollie’s shower and I thoroughly enjoyed showering her with all kinds of goodies! We had a good turn out, considering she’s only lived in Memphis for 4 months or so. I was happy to be able to do it and I had so much fun!

From cupcakes…better than any bakery in town…made by me:

To a pennant banner made with eh signature circles…I do miss it Eleanor!

To gifts wrapped to match:

To coffee table decor:

To mantle decor:

And the candy bar favors:

And lastly the whole table…pardon my unsmoothed table cloth. HA!

It was a good time. And tomorrow is Monday. Please God, let it be a smooth one. 🙂

I’d love to be witness to one of these:

And on a rainy Saturday we’re thrilled that our yard is getting a drink of water without it coming out of our faucets. We’ve enjoyed our coffee and blueberry waffles and blowing bubbles – and it’s just 8:30 am!

Hoping to finish up the items for Mollie’s baby shower tomorrow. We’ve got a blue and green theme going and have used some eh paper resources to bring it together. I’ve been gathering gifts and other necessities and some things I asked if she wanted that I never used.

I’m thankful for Mollie. She’s in my BSF group and moved here from California in December. She quit here job and moved half way across the country with her husband. I can’t imagine, but I’m thankful for her.

Photos soon!

Two egg hunts, church, dying eggs, Easter dinner, lots of toddling….making beautiful memories.

Ever since I was in grade school I have LOVED school supplies, art supplies, and office supplies. I have fond memories of going to the store the week before school started and buying all the supplies on my list. I would lay each and every piece out on my bed and marvel at the newness of them all. I would carefully arrange and rearrange the items in my bag or backpack and most likely go through the whole process the next day…until the supplies made their way to school.

This wonder and excitement didn’t stop once grade school was over because around my junior year of college I found myself changing majors – to graphic design. The excitement was all new again when it came to purchasing all the items on my “art” supply list. I looked forward to each and every trip to the Art Center. I loved getting back to my dorm or apt. and checking out all my new supplies.

And still today I get that wonderful feeling when I walk down the office supply isle at Target. Ha! Maybe that’s why I have an ENTIRE closet full of all kinds of supplies – sewing supplies, scrapbook supplies, office supplies, art supplies…supplies. It makes me happy when open that closet and just gaze at it and all it’s organized glory. Yes – I’m that much of a dork when it comes to my “supplies” and those who have ever felt this way come late July when the seasonal section turns into school supply heaven can truly relate.

So here are a few “supplies” that I think are pretty great:
1. r+h mini binder
2. rag and bone bindery this is not the one I have, but I love this fabric!
3. Coccoina Adhesive – Can with Brush – and it’s almond scented!
4. Cavallini & Co. Clipiola
5. Swim Locker Basket – just found out the physical store closed (which was so cool). at least there’s the web.
6. red paper suitcases

I’m sure is over.

And because I haven’t purchased the “space upgrade” for WordPress, you’ll have to click here to see it.

Yes – she’s walking. Not consistently or for long periods, but she’s walking. When I went to pick her up Wednesday from daycare, she stood up and walked to me. And then I picked her up and gave her a great big hug. How sweet it was.

This week has been one of healing and trying to get lots of rest. We made it to Thursday and thankfully have a 4 day weekend to look forward to.

The weekend has a lot going on
1. clean out flower beds – done
2. finishing prepping front yard for grass seed – done
3. buy hostas, mondo and impatiens for the front yard – done
4. get mulch for front yard beds
5. Easter egg hunt at Highland Saturday
6. drive to Waynesboro
7. dye Easter eggs with all the cousins
8. Easter Sunday church
9. Easter egg hunt and dinner
10. head home
11. plant the hostas, mondo, grass seed, and impatients
12. spread mulch
13. relax?

I hope your Easter is filled with the Spirit and joyous with family and friends.

Yesterday afternoon in the thick of the day I got a phone call. When I looked at my phone it said simply… “Leah Parker” and I squealed with delight. I didn’t even realize yet that I would soon get to hug her sweet self…within a matter of minutes.

Thank you Leah for sharing this video on your blog and but mostly, your precious Memphis time with me yesterday. It did a Stacey soul good to see you and I’m looking forward to Nashville time with you soon.

April 2009

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